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#Industry News

TwinSUPREME hovercraft

Two engine hovercraft from MAD

Introducing the TwinSUPREME hovercraft.

We are constantly developing new hovercraft models and today we introduce you our new TwinSUPRME.

This hovercraft is powered by 2 separate motors, one used for cushion (to lift a hovercraft) and one motor for a thrust. On picture thare is 3 person capacity version, we build it in 5 person version, with longer hull and greater duct size as you see on picture.

We are currently taking enquiries on the hovercraft to gauge response from potential buyers.

If you would like further information regarding our newest hovercraft model do not hesitate to contact us.

TwinSUPREME hovercraft


  • 1360 Vrhnika, Slovenia
  • MAD Hovercraft
