#Product Trends
An Airport in Asia receives ASIS Fire and Rescue Boats.
ASIS Boats has built and delivered 8m firefighting RIB Boats to an Airport in Asia.
These fully equipped red unsinkable firefighting and rescue boats are powered by twin 115 Hp 4 stroke Yamaha engines allowing a speed of 45mph permitting them to respond quickly to calls for assistance and for maneuvers within the emergency zone.
Each of the Fire and Rescue Boat has a heavy duty foam filled hypalon tube fitted with triple rubbing fenders, internal and external lifelines and covered by non-sked patches. They are featuring a gun metal firefighting pump, complete with exhaust, hours recorder, 12V electronic ignition starter; designed to provide continuous rated performance of 1325l/min at 10 bar pressure and 3m lift. The monitor rotates 360 degrees and has a vertical movement of +90 to 45 degree horizontal.
Among the other equipments of these Fire Rescue RIBs, are the 20 persons life raft, the stainless steel targa bar with self righting system, the ladder and platform. And of course a flashing LED Red /Blue Law enforcement light bar (Police Lights), a whelen PA Siren system along with a marine VHF radio that has been fitted on the console and on the T-top canopy covering all six passengers.
These RIB Boats will be operated mainly for firefighting purposes but have the ability to perform as a fast Rescue or rapid response boat and fulfill the requirements of Open Sea, harbor & shallow water if needed.
ASIS Boats fire and rescue boats meet a wide range of requirements for coastal, inland lake or river applications. You can get a turnkey boat with all the options you need or a basic platform ready for you to add your own equipment.