#Industry News
Amphibious Boat 7.1m
Versatility, Mobility, Freedom – Fast Launching and Retrieving
Whether you are a professional or a recreational mariner, once you’ve been on an ASIS Amphibious Craft, you wont be able to go back. The mobility, versatility and freedom it gives you are unparalleled.
• Straight driving onto any beach
• Immediate steering and parking next to you beach house
• Accessibility to the shallowest water
• Access to areas of high tidal range
• Ease of entry to previously inaccessible areas of operation.
• Unique Rescue Capability and Flood Response
• Extremely fast Deployment Response
• Ability to Traverse Obstacles, Variable Depths and Debris
The Sealegs® amphibious technology system is available as an upgrade option for all ASIS boats ranging from 5.1m to 12m whether for Recreational, Professional or Military purposes and is available on both outboard and inboard powered boats.
The Sealegs® system consists of motorized, retractable and steerable wheels, powering the boat with off-water capabilities.
The entire system is marinised and stays completely out of the water while underway. This means there is no compromise to on-water performance.
Once fitted with the amphibious technology Sealegs®, any ASIS RHIB will be able to travel directly between land and sea by the use of three retractable wheels with a hydraulic system linked to an inboard motor.
The featured ASIS RIB is a fiberglass hull 7.5m craft fitted with the Sealegs amphibious technology.
Powered by a 150HP Evinrude E-Tec on the water, the craft reaches speeds of up to 39 knots.It can travel up to 10kph on land.
Featuring Hypalon Tubes, 180 litre fuel tank and self-draining deck, the Asis 7.5 m is also equipped with four straddle style seats designed for additional comfort and lateral stability.