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#Industry News

CapeHorn and the albatros

A new logo reflecting our values

In the heart of the endless ocean, where wind and waves dance in harmony, the albatross reigns supreme in the skies. Majestic and graceful, it embodies freedom and mastery of the elements.

Just as the albatross is the guide of sailors through oceans, the CapeHorn represents your faithful travel companion, ready to accompany you with reliability, elegance and precision.

The wisdom of the albatross, which has sailed the seas for centuries, is reflected in the design of the CapeHorn. Robust, reliable and adaptable, our product embodies the seafaring spirit, ready to face the challenges the ocean presents.

Together, the Albatross and the CapeHorn form a perfect symbiosis, an alliance between nature and technology, offering sailors an unequal sailing experience.


  • Lacolle, QC J0J 1J0, Canada
  • CapHorn