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#Industry News

What is Marine Growth?

Let DWTEK Subsea Cameras Show You!

Many of us adore the Disney classic Finding Nemo, the box office hit that brought charming sea creatures into our hearts. Though it’s been over 20 years since the movie debuted, the lively clownfish Nemo and Pacific blue tang Dory remain unforgettable. But not all marine creatures are as lovable as Nemo and Dory. Some can pose serious challenges. Today, we want to shed light on a hot topic in offshore wind farms that contributes to turbine erosion: Marine Growth


【Unveiling Marine Growth – The Power of DWTEK Subsea Cameras!】

Marine growth refers to the buildup of organisms like algae, barnacles, and mussels on underwater structures such as wind turbines, offshore platforms, pipelines, and ships. This growth can damage structures and reduce efficiency, making regular maintenance essential.


Below, you can see images captured by DWTEK’s HD and SD cameras during O&M operations in Taiwan’s wind farms this summer. They play a key role in monitoring marine growth, capturing detailed images of the thick layers of marine growth surrounding the turbines. These visuals help identify the extent of marine buildup, enabling more targeted cleaning and maintenance, ensuring turbine efficiency and structural integrity.


In some cases, the accumulated weight of marine growth can reach hundreds of kilograms, or even several tonnes in extreme scenarios. Also, sticky secretions from biofilms create uneven oxygen levels on steel surfaces, causing a process known as microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC). These can significantly weaken the structural integrity of submerged assets.


【Regular Maintenance Assistant: DWTEK HD&SD Camera Series】

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  • No. 22, Dongying Rd, East District, Taichung City, Taiwan 401
  • DWTEK - Subsea Solution Provider