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#Industry News

2021 News: a 100% autonomous Jellyfishbot

The Jellyfisbot is now autonomous.

It’s quite simple, it only needs to determine GPS points that shape the area to clean, directly on the remote control’s screen. Once programmed, the robot will automatically move to the area to be cleaned and will stay there, avoiding obstacles in its path.

«This feature arouses enthusiasm from our clients. It’s a genuine increase in efficiency for the Jellyfishbot’s owners as they can work on something else when the robot is cleaning the water surface.»

Nicolas Carlési, IADYS founder & CEO.

Throughout the mission, the user gets remote access to the video on the remote control's built-in screen thanks to the on-board camera. The user can then take over the robot to clean the hard-to-reach areas (such as in the middle of the boat's moorings) or bring it back to its starting point, where he can remove and empty the net.

This autonomous version sets the stage for practical applications requiring the cooperation of several robots for handling wider areas or for ongoing maintenance.

The robots already sold will also be able to benefit from this option, thanks to an update.

Please contact the Sales Team if you are interested in the update of your robot !


  • 13830 Roquefort-la-Bédoule, France
  • Pauline Thévenot