#Product Trends
MICROTEM Mechanical Seals: the innovation for everyone
After the production of the great technological seal MTM400 , recognized as an innovative product by experts , Microtem has developed a mechanical seal always high-tech and characterized by a real competitive price compared to all the products available in the market.
Now, with pleasure , Microtem is pleased to present the second of the four planned versions of the series MTM900 .
The MTM901 , in fact , is a mechanical seal with a reduced axial dimension that can be installed in all the conditions of space. Thanks to the connection , realized in Duplex ,the seal is addressed to all those installations where the hull includes a flanged case, while the MTM900 has to be installed directly on the case.
The metal structure, makes this solution, in "compliance" with the most restrictive regulations machines, and makes the product strongly resistant during its use.
The MTM901 is able to recover 20 mm of axial excursions, 10 mm of radial excursions and angular excursions up to 2 degrees, becoming the most resistant product on the market.
All of these characteristics are offered at a competitive price together with all the existing standard solutions of the market of mechanical seals for propeller shafts .
The series of seals MTM900 can be realized from 20mm diameter up to 185mm .
The seal is completely realized in our workshops in La Spezia where we make sure of the operation through an advanced dynamic bench .