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#Product Trends

April 2022, ELIGHT 44

The ELIGHT 44 is the perfect balance of efficiency and comfort.

The Simonis-Voogd design favored efficiency because its initial purpose was for sight seeing events on the heavy seas off Cape Town. She was certified for 3 crew and a Maximum of 40 passengers (at 75kg pp) and designed to operate with as little fuel as possible. All catamarans built for this purpose are still in operation and the design evolved. Individuals who had been on the yacht wanted the stability and performance in an owner’s model. The yard complied with an immaculate flybridge model and spacious cabins within the same efficient hull.

Those characteristics were exactly what we were searching for in our quest to build the perfect electric yacht. This would be an electric yacht for the American market and as such, excellent performance was imperative. In the summer of 2020, the yacht was placed back on the drawing board. It was re-balanced for electric motor and battery placement, extended two feet on the transom for greater efficiency, solar array added and the electrical system completely redesigned. Not only was the yacht re-designed but so was the company and factory.

The SA builder, understanding electric was the future, became Nova Luxe mfg and became focused on yachts with electric propulsion systems. Even the factory runs on solar power, off-grid. “Our yachts operate on solar power and they should be built with solar power as well. Our market position is high performing electric yachts but our company creed must be that of sustainability.” Kevin Knight the president of manufacturing echoed in our initial planning meetings. Those actions attracted attention and we were contracted to build high performance electric sailing catamarans by Ocean Renegade.

In September of this year, a 64’ Ocean Renegade R6 will roll out of the factory and we will start the next production run. Place your order today for an ELIGHT 44 or Ocean Renegade R5/R6 and be ready for 2023 delivery!


  • Point Lookout, NY 11569, USA