#Product Trends
Christmas At Sea by Robert Louis Stephenson
Christmas at Sea
Robert Louis Stevenson, 1850 - 1894
The sheets were frozen hard, and they cut the naked hand;
The decks were like a slide, where a seamen scarce could stand;
The wind was a nor''wester, blowing squally off the sea;
And cliffs and spouting breakers were the only things a-lee.
They heard the surf a-roaring before the break of day;
But ‘twas only with the peep of light we saw how ill we lay.
We tumbled every hand on deck instanter, with a shout,
And we gave her the maintops''l, and stood by to go about.
All day we tacked and tacked between the South Head and the North;
All day we hauled the frozen sheets, and got no further forth;
All day as cold as charity, in bitter pain and dread,
For very life and nature we tacked from head to head.
We gave the South a wider berth, for there the tide-race roared;
But every tack we made we brought the North Head close aboard:
So''s we saw the cliffs and houses, and the breakers running high,
And the coastguard in his garden, with his glass against his eye.
Read more at http://www.solarglide.com/blog-post.asp?bid=15
The poem is available in the public domain but can be purchased as part a book, Poetry Please by Roger McGough. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Poetry-Please-Roger-McGough/dp/0571303285
Photo: Paul Kingston / NNP
Christmas At Sea: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/topics/christmas/10530957/Christmas-at-Sea-a-poem.html
SeaBritain: http://www.rmg.co.uk/about/partnerships-and-initiatives/seabritain