#Product Trends
FFLBS Simulator development is complete
STORM SIM has completed development of FFLBS Free Fall Lifeboat Simulator, full mission, on the dynamic platform
FFLBS belongs to the Class A in the DNV standard classification, as outlined in IMO Model Course 1.23 “Proficiency in survival craft and rescue boats other than fast rescue boats” 2023 revision.
New revision of 1.23 course emphasizes practical training sessions, that require access to a navigable river, lake or the sea, preferably in harbour or estuarial waters. The practical drills and evaluation could be carried out aboard a ship, making use of its equipment and facilities.
According to course 1.23, the mandatory training elements of the practical drills and exercises related to the launch , recovery operation and maneuvering of lifeboats and rescue boats, including night drills, drills into rough seas, and drills in ice covered waters may be conducted using simulation. Training elements related to equipment familiarization and survival craft seamanship should still be delivered using an actual survival craft conforming to the LSA Code.
FFLBS Simulator is available in several configurations:
FFLBS-A1: full mission, on the dynamic platform, Class A
FFLBS-A2: full mission, with no dynamic platform, Class A
FFLBS-B: with simplified cabin and real control organs, Class B
FFLBS-C: computer version with pseudo-real control organs, Class B
Implementing of Class A FFLBS Free Fall Lifeboat or LBS Davit-launched lifeboat simulators into the training process, will provide training center conformity with new IMO recommendations, as real lifeboats are included into their configuration.
We would like to inform, that STORM SIM has started development of rescue boat and fast rescue boat simulators in the above mentioned configurations, which are ready for pre-order on favorable terms.
The simulator is fully ready for delivery. Please contact us info@stormsimulators.com if you wish to place an order or have any questions.