#Product Trends
Wireless tallybee system from Tallykey
In recent years the well known Danish dockside supplyer tallykey has developed their wireless tallybee system into a fail proof and versatile metering and remote control solution with a variety of time saving features. This system is soon to be installed in Marina Westhaven, the largest marina on the southern hemisphere with more than 2.000 berths. The tender was won in sharp competition with a range of alternative suppliers, due to this technologi, and the sale was made possible by a very focused and committed effort by tallykey NZ-agent Joseph Nowak of Marathon Products Ltd.
Wireless technology, operating in the VHF frequency range
The tallybee system uses state-of-the-art VHF radio technology to reliably connect all the service points in the marina to a Master Radio Unit, typically installed at the harbour office.
As the system is based on wireless technology, the installation is easy and there is no need for cabling between devices. A radio unit is installed at each service point, and tallybee radios can be used with tallykey meters – or with virtually any other measuring device on the market!
All the consumption data is logged and stored in the Master Radio Unit, regardless of whether it is
connected to a computer or not. This means that the data is always available and can never be lost.
The Master Radio Unit and the data can be accessed at any time by a local computer with a USB-connection or via the Internet.
Remote reading of comsumption – and more!
The main feature of tallybee is the swift and easy remote reading of any kind of consumption from each supply point in the marina. It just takes one mouse click to read the consumption at a specific meter, using the tallybee stand-alone pop-up window. Alternatively, the reading can be integrated with marina management systems from tallykey or third party developers like PacSoft.
Another time saving feature is the possibility to remotely control outlets - or virtually anything else,
like doors, gates etc. To be on the safe side, real time information about any consumption-related event is logged and stored.
Optional features:
The tallybee system now also holds the possibility of yielding alarms for certain events e.g. if a cable is disconnected or protection has tripped.
A series of functions are available for mobile phones, like the ability to request and receive consumption data via text message, or turn outlets on and off. There is also the option of receiving notifications by text message if an event occurs e.g. if power lead is disconnected or power outage.
These notifications can be sent to staff mobile phones and/or user mobile phone.
The main benefit for the marina owner, is that tallybee maintains the overview of all tallybee-connected systems in the marina. The consumption can be read on the computer screen in the office in realtime, making it possible to settle the guest accounts fast and easy.
If the system has a malfunction (e.g. if a radio fails) an alarm will immediately be shown on the screen, stating the nature and location of the error. Furthermore, if e.g. a power lead is disconnected or an outlet protection has tripped, an alarm message will pop up on the screen.
As a result of all this, the daily tasks in the marina will be eased and costs will be reduced.
Besides Westhaven, the tallybee system has recently been installed in several other high profile Marinas worldwide, also including the New Zealand Gulf Harbour Marina with 1.045 berths.
This installation was also sold and delivered by Joseph Nowak of Marathon Products Ltd.