#Product Trends
LinkUp 0-5V
New addition to the LinkUp series
Fast, efficient, secure, safe and cost-effective, our Award-winning LinkUp has already been successful, and its easy use is not to be demonstrated anymore. Veratron LinkUp already has 5 variants, and a new version is being added to extend the series.
The new LinkUp 0-5V is powered directly from NMEA 2000 and can be instantly programmed with your smartphone thanks to our configurator app which guides you through every step of the process avoiding spending money in an expensive HW.
The LinkUp supports sensors with 0-5 V output such as trim tabs or rudder feedback, just to name a few and provides a 5V output to feed the sensor.
The voltage type LinkUp gateway provides an easy method to convert vessel and engine information to NMEA 2000.
Facts and benefits
- 5V output for sensor feed
- Designed for electronic sensors
- Customizable sensor curves
- Approved for engine compartments
- Alarms setup + transmission on NMEA 2000
- Plug and play installation with Veratron dip pipe level sensors
Easily installed LinkUp gateway modules replace the original wiring, delivering power to both the LinkUp device and the sensor from the NMEA 2000 backbone while being still compliant with the NMEA 2000 certification.
Last but not least, thanks to its air-sealed housing, the device can be installed in engine compartment according to ISO 8846:1990 (protection against ignition of surrounding flammable gases). As all our products, LinkUp is CE, Reach and RoHS compliant.