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Marine Innovation Area – FPT Industrial powering startups
Can more than 100 years of expertise and technologies dialogue with future tech to start a revolution in marine propulsion? This is the starting point of the collaboration between FPT Industrial and the Italian startup Sealence, which, together at CES 2022, are presenting a totally new and extremely innovative Hybrid Electric Marine Propulsion
System Concept for pleasure and commercial vessels.
As in the case of Potenza Technology, acquisitions and collaborations with startups accelerate FPT Industrial’s innovation, while taking new experimental solutions to the next level. The FPT Industrial N67 570 EVO engine is coupled with a variable speed permanent magnet electric generator used as a range extender to re-charge the battery pack. The range extender and battery work together to provide maximum energy to the electric DeepSpeed Hydrojet
developed by Italian startup Sealence. The core of the revolutionary Hybrid Electric Marine Propulsion System Concept is the DeepSpeed Electric Hydrojet. Designed like a plane’s jet engine, through an integrated electric motor it sucks the water from the front and pushes it from the bow side to propel the boat.
A modern take on a more than 100-year-old technology, the ICE dialogues with a 30-year-old technology, the batteries, and together they interface with the future to create one of the most efficient, effective, environmentally friendly and silent – when operating in full electric mode – marine propulsion systems.
The new Hybrid Electric system is entirely geared towards maximum efficiency, as well as application modularity and flexibility. With the same amount of energy, the DeepSpeed Jet generates more thrust and speed compared to a prop system, while consuming less. Since there is no need for transmissions and axles, there is more available space on board, giving shipyards the opportunity to optimize boat design and internal layout.
The DeepSpeed Jet can be positioned directly under the hull or in stern drive configurations.
By varying the number and size of battery packs and generators, boat propulsion configurations can be customized according to their intended use: a mainly electric set-up is preferable for short-range trips, while long-range usage will require more generators and less batteries, since during this kind of navigation the electric motor is powered by the ICE.
FPT Industrial and Sealence are also developing a new generation of marine batteries, featuring a filling technology to make them totally fireproof and safe.