#Product Trends
"nke Display Pro" : New display application !
You have access to :
--5 users pages.You can customize your screen by selecting the navigation data to display.
--Indication of true wind data in analog form. Fast and accurate reading of true wind direction trend.
--Settings Page :
* Topics access : Sources, Units, Themes, Logs, About, Devices and purchase.
* The devices section lists the nke products connected on the bus with their address and updating. You are notified for each product if updates are needed.
--Remote control option. The Ipad or Iphone also acts as a remote control for the nke displays and Gyropilot.
* The Multifunction remote control option allows to act on the multifunction by selecting channels you wish to display.
* The Gyropilot remote control allows you to control the gyropilot (+1/-1 +10/-10, auto, stop).
nke display pro version is available on Apple Store.